The first step is to prepare the windscreen so that no dirt, dust, grease or residue remains. Be sure to completely remove any waxes, gloss protectors or enhancers before you install, as these will all prevent adhesion to the surface. We strongly recommend using a clean microfibre cloth and isopropyl rubbing alcohol to prep glass surfaces. If you’re at a pinch then soap and hot water can be used (be sure to rinse the surface thoroughly after with clean water, if you do not clean it off adequately you will leave a layer of soap residue that will affect adhesion). Do not use any dedicated glass cleaners as most of these are ammonia-based and leave a slick coating on the surface, causing the decal to peel, and will out-gas causing bubbles.
Ensure the surface is completely dry before continuing to step 2, even if that means heating the glass with a hairdryer/heat gun or leaving to dry in the sun for a few minutes.